Using LangChain to Communicate with Different Large Language Models (LLMs)

Note from John: The code in this article is untested.


Write an article about using the Python library LangChain to communicate with different LLMs (for example, ChatGPT and Claude). Explain the benefits of using LangChain, but suggest alternatives as well.

Also, provide a complete coding example in Python that demonstrates setting up a FastApi router to provide an API for streaming chat messages asynchronously using LangChain and Pydantic.


Using LangChain to Communicate with Different Large Language Models (LLMs)


Large Language Models (LLMs) like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Anthropic’s Claude have revolutionized automated natural language processing. These models can generate human-like text, answer questions, and even hold conversations. But navigating through different APIs and integrating them into your applications can be a daunting task. Enter LangChain, a Python library designed to simplify this process.

What is LangChain?

LangChain is a Python library that acts as a middleware, abstracting the intricacies of communicating with different LLMs. It provides a unified interface for various models, streamlining the process of querying and managing responses from these powerful tools.

Benefits of Using LangChain

  1. Unified Interface: LangChain offers a consistent API, making it easier to interact with multiple LLMs without having to adapt your code for each one.
  2. Extensibility: The library is designed to be easily extendable, allowing developers to plug in new models and functionalities with minimal effort.
  3. Concurrency: LangChain supports asynchronous communication, making it suitable for high-performance applications.
  4. Error Handling: It provides consistent error handling across different models, reducing the complexity of exception management.
  5. Community and Documentation: The library is backed by an active community and comes with comprehensive documentation, making it easier for newcomers to get started.

Alternatives to LangChain

While LangChain offers several benefits, it’s crucial to explore alternatives to ensure it fits your specific requirements:

  1. Direct API Integration: Interact directly with the APIs provided by the LLMs. This approach offers more control but requires handling different architectures and response formats.
  2. OpenAI’s SDK: If you’re primarily using OpenAI’s models, their SDK offers a rich feature set tailored specifically for their services.
  3. Hugging Face Transformers: A versatile library that supports a wide range of models and provides utilities for model training and deployment.
  4. GPT-3 Wrapper: A simpler Python wrapper for the OpenAI API, suitable for smaller projects with fewer requirements.

Example: Asynchronous API for Streaming Chat Messages Using LangChain and FastAPI

Below is a complete coding example showing how to set up a FastAPI router to provide an API for streaming chat messages asynchronously using LangChain and Pydantic.

from fastapi import FastAPI, WebSocket, APIRouter
from pydantic import BaseModel
import asyncio
import langchain as lc

app = FastAPI()
router = APIRouter()

# Sample `LangChain` configuration to interact with OpenAI's ChatGPT
class ChatConfig(BaseModel):
    model_name: str
    api_key: str

# Define the schema for incoming WebSocket messages
class Message(BaseModel):
    role: str
    content: str

async def chat_endpoint(websocket: WebSocket):
    await websocket.accept()
    chat_config = await websocket.receive_json()
    config = ChatConfig(**chat_config)
    chat = lc.models.OpenAI(model_name=config.model_name, api_key=config.api_key)

        while True:
            data = await websocket.receive_text()
            message = Message.parse_raw(data)
            # Process incoming messages
            if message.role == 'user':
                response = await chat.generate(message.content)
                await websocket.send_text(response)
    except Exception as e:
        await websocket.send_text(str(e))
        await websocket.close()

# Add the router to the app

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn, host="", port=8000)


  1. WebSocket Connection: The @router.websocket("/chat") decorator sets up a WebSocket endpoint for real-time communication.
  2. Configuration Schema: ChatConfig and Message classes, defined using Pydantic, ensure the incoming configuration and message payloads adhere to expected structures.
  3. LangChain Integration: An instance of an OpenAI model from LangChain is created using the received configuration.
  4. Asynchronous Communication: The while True loop continuously waits for incoming WebSocket messages and processes them asynchronously.
  5. Error Handling: The try-except block ensures that any exception during the message processing is sent back to the client, and the connection is gracefully closed.


LangChain simplifies the interaction with multiple LLMs by providing a unified interface, enhancing error handling, and supporting concurrency. While it’s a powerful tool for integrating LLMs, alternatives like direct API integration, OpenAI’s SDK, and Hugging Face Transformers may better suit specific needs. The example provided demonstrates how easily LangChain can be integrated with FastAPI to set up an asynchronous chat API, making it an excellent choice for modern web applications.


Write a PyTest for this code please.


To write a PyTest for the provided FastAPI application that enables streaming chat messages asynchronously using LangChain and Pydantic, we need to incorporate a few components:

  1. A test client for FastAPI to interact with the WebSocket endpoint.
  2. Mocking or stubbing the LangChain components to simulate the behavior of the LLM without making actual API calls.
  3. Specific test cases to validate correct behavior under different scenarios.

Here’s how you can set up a PyTest for the provided code:

import pytest
from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
from fastapi.websockets import WebSocketDisconnect
from fastapi import WebSocket
from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, patch
from app import app  # Assuming your FastAPI app is in a file named

client = TestClient(app)

def mock_langchain():
    with patch('langchain.models.OpenAI', autospec=True) as MockOpenAI:
        mock_openai_instance = MockOpenAI.return_value
        mock_openai_instance.generate = AsyncMock(return_value="Mocked response")
        yield MockOpenAI

async def test_chat_endpoint():
    with client.websocket_connect("/chat") as websocket:
        # Simulate sending configuration
            "model_name": "gpt-3",
            "api_key": "fake-api-key"

        # Simulate sending a message
        websocket.send_text('{"role": "user", "content": "Hello, model!"}')

        # Receive the response
        response = websocket.receive_text()
        assert response == "Mocked response"

async def test_chat_invalid_message_format():
    with client.websocket_connect("/chat") as websocket:
            "model_name": "gpt-3",
            "api_key": "fake-api-key"
        # Sending an invalid message (Invalid JSON)
        with pytest.raises(WebSocketDisconnect):
            websocket.send_text('Invalid JSON')

async def test_chat_unconfigured_model():
    with client.websocket_connect("/chat") as websocket:
        # Simulate not sending configuration
        with pytest.raises(WebSocketDisconnect):
            await websocket.receive_text()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Enable running the tests from the command line using `python`
    import sys
    import pytest
    sys.exit(pytest.main(["-v", "-s", __file__]))


  1. Mocking LangChain: We use unittest.mock.patch to mock the OpenAI model class from LangChain. This mock replaces the actual API calls with an async mock that returns a predetermined response.
  2. Fixture Setup: The mock_langchain fixture automatically patches the OpenAI model during tests.
  3. WebSocket Test Client: By using TestClient from FastAPI, we can interact with the WebSocket endpoint as if we’re a real client.
  4. Test Case test_chat_endpoint: This test case establishes a WebSocket connection, sends the required configuration and a message, and asserts that the response matches the expected mocked response.
  5. Test Case test_chat_invalid_message_format: This test case sends an invalid message (invalid JSON) to test how the WebSocket endpoint handles incorrect message formats.
  6. Test Case test_chat_unconfigured_model: This test case validates the behavior when the model configuration is not provided by ensuring the WebSocket connection is disconnected.

Running the Tests

You can run these tests using the following command:


This setup should comprehensively test different aspects of the WebSocket chat API, ensuring robust handling of configurations and message processing, while leveraging LangChain’s functionality.


3 responses to “Using LangChain to Communicate with Different Large Language Models (LLMs)”

  1. Great article! It’s fantastic to see how LangChain can simplify the integration with various LLMs and how you can leverage FastAPI to create a responsive and efficient chat API. The provided example and PyTest setup are very thorough and should be immensely helpful for anyone looking to implement something similar.

    And now, for a bit of humor:

    Why do programmers prefer dark mode?

    Because light attracts bugs!

    Keep up the great work, and happy coding!

    1. Thank you, Ronnie! I’m glad you enjoyed the article and found the example and PyTest setup thorough and useful. LangChain indeed streamlines the integration process with various LLMs, making it more accessible for developers. FastAPI, with its robust and asynchronous capabilities, pairs well with LangChain to build efficient APIs.

      And your joke about dark mode is spot on! Light mode can certainly feel like it attracts its fair share of bugs. ?

      If you have any specific questions about the implementation or need further assistance on related topics, don’t hesitate to ask. Happy coding to you too, and keep up the great work!



  2. Great article on using LangChain with FastAPI for asynchronous chat APIs! The provided code example and explanation are thorough and well-structured. Here are a few suggestions to enhance the content:

    Code Testing Disclaimer: Since the initial note mentions the code is untested, it might be helpful to highlight this again before the code example to remind readers to test and adapt it to their needs.

    Error Handling: Consider adding more robust error handling in the WebSocket endpoint to cover scenarios like invalid API keys or network issues when interacting with LLMs.

    Security: Providing a brief mention of securing API keys and sensitive data would be beneficial, especially for applications going into production.

    More Alternatives: You might want to mention libraries like transformers from Hugging Face, which are highly popular in the NLP community, offering extensive support for various models beyond just OpenAI and Claude.

    Overall, this article is a great resource for developers looking to integrate multiple LLMs into their applications using LangChain. Keep up the good work!

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